" We are waiting for the event where we will discuss evidence-based medicine data together under the roof of Future Healthcare Istanbul for the holistic well-being of young generations!"

Prof. Dr. Ayşe Rodopman Arman

"Hopefully until Future Healthcare’s motto “Healthy Planet, Healthy People” will be alive, annual “Evidence Based Personalised Health Screening” will be the norm."

Specialist Dr. Demet Karadenizli

"Technology offers great opportunities to make people healthy and prolong their life."

Dr. Oğuz Mülazımoğlu

"Lets meet at Future Healthcare Istanbul to evaluate the new generation health applications that shape the health of the future for a sustainable life."

Dr. Sevgi Salman Ünver

"It is very nice to be reach and come together thousands of colleagues through Future ” "

Prof. Dr. Sinan Canan

"I believe that the greatest advancement that technology has made for humanity will be in the field of medicine.” "

Dt. Kübel Özkut

"Science and technology are integral components of health"

Coach Ergin Ataman

"There are very informative topics and speakers from all fields. It is a very useful event"

Prof. Dr. Hakkı Karakaş

"Our Daily habits are changing so frequently and technology is driving this. It is very important for us to talk about them together in the perspective of health"

Prof. Dr. Devrim Gözüaçık

"Future Healthcare is a precious organization in which all components of health come together and subjects are discussed scientifically"

Yelda Ulu Colin

"It is very well thought out that different disciplines and expertise come together to subservicing a single purpose"

Prof. Dr. Murat Aksoy

"Future Healthcare is the one best organizations both in Turkey and global"

Doç. Dr. Leyla Türker Şener

About Future Healthcare Istanbul 2023

Turkey’s biggest healthcare & health technologies conference with an extensive participation.

The Future Healthcare Istanbul International Conference is preparing to host thousands of participants from different companies and specialists for 3 days.

Health system policymakers, most influential and leading scientists, academicians, clinical health specialists who have a pioneering role in the sector, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, speakers who have a c-level position in the healthcare sector, healthcare start-up business, hospital authorities, keynote speakers and the influential people on social media healthcare professionals are going to participate in The Future Healthcare Istanbul International Conference. Besides, the conference gives an opportunity to contact with hundreds of senior medical students.

Sponsored brands will take their place relating to the various sectoral medium, digital platforms and social media. The Future Healthcare Istanbul Conference is an excellent and successful platform to share futuristic findings and networks with honorable speakers around the world. Hereby, we will be honored by your participation as a brand to The Future Healthcare Istanbul Conference in Turkey's most prestigious conferences and events hall at Sheraton İstanbul Levent .

The Future Healthcare İstanbul International Conference

Advisory Committee


Demet Russ

Johnson & Johnson MedTech, EMEA Regional Vice President, CFO

Berrak Yücel

Berrak Yücel

Biopharma Business Unit Director at AstraZeneca Turkey

Sevgi Salman Ünver

Dr. Sevgi Salman Ünver

Academican, Author, Founder of Genomedis Biotechnology

Esra Erbilgin

Esra Erbilgin

Marketing and Sales Director at Haver Farma Pharmaceuticals

Çağlar Çuhadaroğlu

Prof. Dr. Çağlar Çuhadaroğlu

Pulmonologist and Sleep Disorders Specialist

Oğuz Mülazımoğlu

Dr. Oğuz Mülazımoğlu

Vice President for Sales& Marketing and Executive Board Member at Abdi İbrahim

Bahar Süral

Bahar Süral

Communications Lead at Roche Türkiye

Aytuğ Altundağ

Prof. Dr. Aytuğ Altundağ

Professor of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Ayça Kaya

Dr. Ayça Kaya

Internal Medicine Obesity and Metabolic Diseases

Devrim Gözüaçık

Prof. Dr. Devrim Gözüaçık

Research Professor at Koç Universty School of Medicine

Şebnem Girgin

Şebnem Girgin

General Manager at Gilead Turkey

Murat Baş

Prof. Dr. Murat Baş

Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University

Çisil Sohodol

Prof. Dr. Çisil Sohodol

Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Communication Faculty Member Director Of The BAU Center For Social Impact and Responsibility

Gürkan Ersoy

Prof. Dr. Gürkan Ersoy

Attending physician, University of Dokuz Eylul School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Founder and Board Member, Association of Emergency Health for All

Ayşe Rodopman Arman

Prof.Dr Ayşe Rodopman Arman

Professor, MD. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Spastic Children's Foundation of Turkey, Scientific Commitee Member

Oğuz Özyaral

Prof. Dr. Oğuz Özyaral

Antalya Belek University Faculty Member

Beril Koparal

Beril Koparal Ergün

General Manager of Veni Vita Health

Bülent Özpolat

Prof. Dr. Bülent Özpolat

Professor, Department of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Neil Cancer Center, Director of Innovative Cancer Therapeutics

The Future Healthcare İstanbul International Conference



Metin Uyar

Dr.Pharmacist, Writer
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Health


Turgay Kaçar, Ph.D

R&D Manager, Responsible for Biotechnology and Vaccine Projects


Doğan Taşkent

Atabay Pharmaceuticals R&D and Innovation Director, IBG, Board Member


Duygu Dağlıkoca

Trustlife Ventures Lab Sağlık Teknojileri-R&D Center General Manager


Dr. Hasan E. Zeytin MD., Ph.D

CEO of CinnaGen Medicine

Jerry Ervin-2023

Jerry Ervin

Motivational Speaker and Trainer
Johnson and Johnson Patient Heart Recovery Story


Seren Anaçoğlu

European Commision Climate Ambassadore, Law Student
Future from the Plant Flexitarian Nutrition Model in the World and Turkey

Sadi Güleç-2023

Prof. Dr. Sadi Güleç

Cardiologist, Department of Cardiology, Ankara University
Future from the Plant Flexitarian Nutrition Model in the World and Turkey


Selen Tolun

CEO of Sorentum
A Clinic Management System In Oral Health Department Clinics


Polen Koçak

Co founder of Cellestetix Biotechnology, Assistant Professor at Istinye University
A Clinic Management System In Oral Health Department Clinics

Uğur Batı. -2023

Prof. Dr.Uğur Batı

Conversations With My Future Mind

Prof. Dr. Metin Çakmakçı - 2023

Prof. Dr. Metin Çakmakçı

General Surgery Specialist
The Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Health System

Prof. Dr. Gürkan Ersoy - 2023

Prof. Dr. Gürkan Ersoy

Attending physician, University of Dokuz Eylul School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Founder and Board Member, Association of Emergency Health for All
The Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Health System

Ali Rıza Ersoy  -2023

Ali Rıza Ersoy

ION Academy, Founder
The Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Health System


Semiha Afyonlu Kaya

Clinical Psychologist, MA
Rethinking Mental Health


Şengül Hablemitoğlu

Grief and Family Counselor
Rethinking Mental Health


Yaprak Yapsan

Founder and Agency President
Rethinking Mental Health


Dr. Çağrı Oğur (Mol Bio., PhD)

Innovative Initiatives Of Future Health
Innovative Initiatives Of Future Health


Ümit Fırat

PROCOMCURE Business Development Manager
Innovative Initiatives Of Future Health


Dr.Onur Bilenoğlu

Innovative Initiatives Of Future Health
Innovative Initiatives Of Future Health

Sevgi Salman Ünver

Dr.Sevgi Salman Ünver

Innovative Initiatives Of Future Health
Innovative Initiatives Of Future Health


Prof. Dr. Çağlar Çuhadaroğlu

Evaluation of Hospitals from the Axis of Sustainability
Evaluation of Hospitals from the Axis of Sustainability


Ömür Salman

Being a Breath of Lives We Touch with Sustainable Outcomes
Being a Breath of Lives We Touch with Sustainable Outcomes


Prof. Dr. Arzu Yorgancıoğlu

Evaluation of Health from the Axis of Sustainability,
Evaluation of Health from the Axis of Sustainability,


Çağlar Gözüaçık

Founder of Tazefikir Group
Starting Healing from Earth | Moderator


Ayvaz Akbacak

From Science to Kitchen, Nutrition and Beyond

Ayça Kaya

Dr. Ayça Kaya

Internal Medicine Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
From Science to Kitchen, Nutrition and Beyond


Prof. Dr. Halit Yerebakan

28th Term Member of TBMM, Cardiovascular Surgeon
Contributions of Multidisciplinary Health and Health Technologies Events to Turkish Medicine and Health System

Önder Yüksel Eryiğit-2023-2

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Önder Yüksel Eryiğit

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality President of the Health Department
Innovative Health Services in Local Governments

Devrim Gözüaçık

Prof. Dr. Devrim Gözüaçık

Koç University Faculty of Medicine Research Professor


Prof.Dr. Hatice Kübra Elçioğlu

Dean of Faculty of Marmara University
The Role of Pharmacy in Community Health


Prof.Dr. Gülden Omurtag

Dean of the Faculty of Istanbul Medipol University
The Role of Pharmacy in Community Health

Oğuz Özyaral

Prof. Dr. Oğuz Özyaral

Antalya Belek Unversity Faculty Member
The Role of Pharmacy in Community Health


Uzm. Dr. Demet Karadenizli

Family Medicine Specialist, Personalised Health Screenings
Future of preventive Medicine: Guideline and or Genetics based personalised Check up


Op. Dr. Furkan Kayabaşoğlu

Gynaecological Diseases, Obstetrics and IVF Specialist
Birth: From The Past To The Future

Prof. Matti Sällberg

Prof. Matti Sällberg

DDS, PhD, Professor, Division of Clinical Microbiology Department of Laboratory Medicine Karolinska Institutet
An International Collaborative Effort to Develop a Vaccine Against Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus


Elif Elkin

General Manager of LifeClub Healthy Life Services Inc.
Being The Native of Digital in Health


Murat Aksoy

General Surgery Specialist (Peripheral Vascular Surgery)
Panel Moderator


Prof. Dr. C. Ayşe Görmeli

Co-founder of G&G Clinic
Stem cell: Gateway to the Future in Regenerative Medicine

Ömerul Faruk Aydın

Dr. Öğr. Üye. Dr. Ömerul Faruk Aydın

Yeni Yüzyıl University, Faculty of Medicine Emergency Medicine Department Lecturer, Şişli Memorial Hospital, Emergency room physician
The Role of Health Technologies in Disasters

Arzu Baloğlu

Doç. Dr. Arzu Baloğlu

Information Technologies, Senior Mentor, Marmara University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial and Computer Engineering, Futurists Association Board Member
The Role of Health Technologies in Disasters

Gürkan Ersoy

Prof. Dr. Gürkan Ersoy

Attending physician, University of Dokuz Eylul School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Founder and Board Member, Association of Emergency Health for All
The Role of Health Technologies in Disasters

Kıvılcım Kayabalı

Dr. Kıvılcım Kayabalı

Founder of PTMS
Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity

Pervin Dinçer

Prof. Dr. Pervin Dinçer

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Sciences, Department of Medical Biology
Genome editing: CRISPR Technology

Ali Zırh

Doç. Dr. Ali Zırh

Medipol University Hospital Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center (PARMER), Neurosurgeon
The present of Neuromodulation and the future of Neurostimulation in Parkinson's and movement disorders.

Çağrı Gülümser

Prof. Dr. Çağrı Gülümser

Yuksek Ihtisas University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Public Health & Epidemiology
Artificial Placenta & Fetal Surgery

İbrahim Halil Kavaklı

Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Kavaklı

Chemical and Biological Engineering at Koç University
Future of Medicine: Chronobiology

Görkem Astarcıoğlu

Uzm. Dr. Görkem Astarcıoğlu

Peadiatrician and Founder of Hekimanne
Who Should Be Responsible for Archiving Health Data?

Dilek Özcengiz

Prof.Dr.Dilek Özcengiz

Intensive Care Specialist, Health Law Science Specialist
The Legal Aspect of Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Surgery and Innovative Technologies in Medicine

Egemen Yılmaz

Prof. Dr. A. Egemen Yılmaz

Electrical and Electronics Engineer, Academician
The Legal Aspect of Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Surgery and Innovative Technologies in Medicine

Neval Yılmaz

Av. Dr. E. Neval YILMAZ

Lawyer, Health Law Scientist, General/Vascular Surgeon
The Legal Aspect of Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Surgery and Innovative Technologies in Medicine


Emin Fadıllıoğlu

CEO, Eczacıbaşı, Industrial and Financial Investments, Chairman, Eczacıbaşı Evital
Faster Than Ever: Redefining Healthcare

The Future Healthcare İstanbul International Conference


Media Sponsors

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Gold Sponsor

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